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In the center of the cathedral the magnificent altar with unfading lampstands is rising. They are lit over the shrine with the coffin darkened by time, where some of St. Peter’s relics are kept. This altar is called “papal” since only the Pope of Rome can serve a mass in front of it. Above the altar there is a huge bronze tent by Bernini raised on winding columns to a height of 29 meters. The unusual form of the columns repeats the silhouette of the winding column from Solomon’s temple brought to Rome after seizure of Jerusalem. Although in the interior of the temple the altar does not appear to be especially big, it is actually equal in its height to a four-storey building. Not far away there is a bronze figure of Saint Peter sitting on the Papal throne and holding the keys to the heavenly kingdom in his hand. His feet became white and worn out because of believers’ touches: according to tradition, if one makes a wish and, holding Peter’s foot with his hand, asks for it to be fulfilled, his wish will surely be fulfilled.

In the central apsidal of the cathedral there is a platform raised high above the ground incrusted with ivory, from which, according to tradition, Saint Peter once used to preach. It is framed by statues of the Fathers of the Roman and Greek Christian churches. Above the platform, in a small window made of thin alabaster plates, a dove is shining with unfading light hovering in the sunbeams — the symbol of the Holy Spirit.

In the left section of the transept there are three altars. In the central one there is a mosaic depicting the martyrdom of saints Processo and Martinian, who guarded the Apostle Peter in Mamertin Prison. In the center of the left altar there is a mosaic copy of picture “Martyrdom of Saint Erasm” by Nicola Pussen, while on its sides there are round medallions depicting prince Vladimir and princess Olga, who brought the faith of Christ to the Russian land. Across it there is a portrait of Venzeslav, king of Bohemia, while in the center and on the sides there are medallions with images of Slavic teachers Cyril and Methodius.

Along the entire perimeter of the cathedral there is a chain of chapels with outstanding works of art, precious Christian relics, numerous tombs of Roman bishops, kings and emperors. In the cathedral’s sacrarium there is a marble plate with the names of all the superior pontifics buried in the cathedral starting from the very first one –– Apostle Peter. Numerous tombstones of Roman Popes in the cathedral are in their main part works of art produced by great masters — Giotto, Bernini, Michelangelo, Guiguelmo della Porta, Thorvaldsen.

In the cathedral the spear of centurion Longin is kept — the one, with which Jesus on the cross was pierced. It was brought to Rome from Constantinople when after seizure of the Byzantine capital by Turks sultan Bayazet sent to Pope the tip of the pear that was kept in Sophia’s cathedral of the Greek capital. Since then centurion Longin’s spear has been in Vatican. In one of the chapels some parts of St. John’s relics are kept — archbishop of Constantinople (beginning of V century), who for his wondrous gift of eloquence was called Golden Mouth.

The central altar of Baptism Chapel is decorated by “Baptism of Christ” mosaic. The Baptistery bath standing here is made of the cover of the coffin of emperor Otgon II (X century) — the only emperor of German origin buried in the cathedral. Next to the chapel there is a monument to Maria Sobesskaya, the wife of King James III Stewart (XVIII century), who died while giving birth to her last child. That put an end to the Stewart Royal family.

Further on is the sarcophagus of Pope Leo XI. In 1605, he served a famous mass when Henry IV — the would be king of France — the first one of the Bourbon Dynasty after having forsaken protestant faith converted into Catholicism to gain the right to possess the king’s throne. Pope Leo XI is also famous for the fact that he spent on the Papal throne only 27 days. The next chapel is located on the site of the crucifixion of St. Peter. It is decorated with three altars and a mosaic replica of Gwidoreni’s “Crucifixion of Saint Peter.” Another chapel, that of the Column, is called so after an ancient icon, which is a fragment of a column with the face of the Holy Virgin depicted on it. In this chapel remains of several Popes including Leo I the Great rest. A bass relief done by master Allegardi (XVIII century) depicts a legendary scene, on which Pope Leo I came out to meet hordes of Huns holding only a crucifix in his hands and put them to flight only by saying to the leader of the barbarians Attila that not soldiers would protect Rome but Saint Apostles Peter and Paul.

Archangel Michael chapel is decorated with a mosaic replica of Gwercino’s picture “the Funeral of Saint Petronillo.” This mosaic gleaming with bright tones and illuminating this scarcely lit part of the temple is the best one in the Saint Peter’s cathedral. The chapel itself has its name after a mosaic replica of Gwido Reni’s best picture “St. Michael Archangel Tramples Over Defeated Satan.” In the chapel there is the tombstone of Pope Clemet XIII. The lions at its base are believed to be the most beautiful ones of all those created in XIX century.

Gregorian chapel was decorated according to Michelangelo’s drawings by his disciple Jacomo della Porta. On the sarcophagus of Pope Gregory XIII buried here one can see a scene of adopting of the new calendar in 1582, which received its name after the Pope — “Gregorian.”

Across it there is an empty niche above the tomb of Gregory XIV.

A gilded bronze reliquary is shining on the altar of the Most Holy Sanctity Chapel. Numerous relics are kept in it. In the chapel there is the only picture painted with oil by Pietro de Cartona — “the New Testament Trinity.” Nearby, in Bernini’s chapel a winding column brought from Jerusalem’s temple is kept; after leaning against it, Christ spoke the words inscribed on the frieze of the cathedral, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build up My church.” These words full of deep symbolism are embodied in the cathedral of St. Peter erected above the Apostle’s shrine.

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Один комментарий

  1. Кстати в конце статьи место, где говорится о том, что «Ты есть Петр и на камне сем Я создам Церковь Мою»
    имеется в виду откровение, которое Петр получил о Христе, а именно то, что, когда Иисус спросил за кого он Его почитает, то Петр сказал, что – за Сына Божьего. Именно на сем камне то и строится Его Церковь. Как мне кажется!?

    Кстати католики, интересно до сих пор считают, что камнем является человек Симон, нареченный Кифой или Петром?

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