The Vladimir Cathedral is a traditional for Russian architecture six-pillar temple with three apses crowned with seven domes. The length of the building is 180.45 feet, width – 98.43 feet, height (together with the cross) – 160.76 feet. The façade of the building is decorated with mosaics of artist A. N. Frolov. On the massive bronze doors of the main portico one can see cast bronze relieves depicting princess Olga and prince Vladimir the Holy. The temple was founded in 1862 but its construction was complicated due to technical problems and lasted for over 30 years: from 1862 until 1896. The building’s construction was headed by academician V. N. Nicolaev with participation of K. Y. Maevsky and engineer D. Birkin. In the process of the prolonged building architect R. B. Berngardt made some changes in the project. The grand opening and dedication of the cathedral took place on August 20, 1896, in the presence of Emperor Nicolas II and Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna.
Kreshatik is the central highway and the business center of the capital. The street’s name, according to one of the versions, traces back to the name of ancient Kreshatitsky spring where, according to a legend, prince Vladimir baptized dwellers of Kiev. According to another version, on this site two ravines crossed; hence, the name Kreshatik (similar to crossing). Build up of Kreshatik began in the end of XVIII century, while the street formed in 1830-40s. In the end of XIX century, mainly three-storied buildings with stores and office and bank facilities were erected. In the beginning of XX century water-supply system, dumping system, gas and electricity were already available here, and the first tram in tsarist Russia functioned. After the WWII, Kreshatik was seriously damaged; around 940 living blocks and administrative buildings were blown up. After restoration, the street turned into a wide highway with a width reaching in some places 328.08 feet. Today’s Kreshatik planted with chestnut trees becomes a pedestrian walk on days-off and holidays; it is the favorite place of the locals who saunter along the street. The building of Kiev City Council is located on Kreshatik; the central universal store, metro stations Kreshatik and Independence Square, Ukrteleradio, the Passage, a number of administrative establishments, stores, hotels and cafes are also here.
Independence Square is Kiev’s central Square. Until XVIII century, there was a swamp on this site. The first wooden buildings appeared in 1730s. Until 1871, on the square, which at that time was called Kreshatitskaya, there was a market place, circus performances were shown, and festivities were held. In 1850s, the building of Noble Congregation was built on the Square. In Gudovsky’s house, which stood between Malaya Zhitomirskaya and Mikhailovskaya Streets until 1979, T. G. Shevchenko lived in 1859. The buildings of Post Office, 16-storied “Ukraina” Hotel and the Council of Trade Unions of Ukraine – a building with a little tower, on which the chimes melodically ring, are also here. In 2001, a monument to Independence was erected on the square. It is a twelve-meter female statue with a snowball branch in her hand standing on a fifty meter high pillar. Besides, the square is decorated with six fountains and two transparent pavilions containing entrances into underground facilities with restaurants and a shopping mall.
On May 9, 25 years ago “the National Museum of the Great Patriotic War History” was opened in Kiev (50 acres). The idea of building such a grandiose complex belonged to famous Soviet sculptor-monumentalist Y. Vucetic. In 1981, on the Victory Day this complex was opened by CC of CPSU’s General Secretary Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. A 354.33 feet monument “Motherland” is the central figure of the museum. The sculpture towers over the Dnepr’s slopes and can be seen from remote corners of the Ukrainian capital. The Motherland’s height from pedestal to the tip of the sword is 203.41 feet; the total height including the pedestal – 334.65 feet. In one hand she is holding a 52.49 feet sword that weighs 12 tons; in the other – a 43×26 feet shield with the coat of arms of the USSR (13 tons). This structure of solid welding weighs 530 tons. Into the gigantic construction, inside the Motherland body, an elevator is built; in her arms special staircases are made. On the inward surface of the coned pedestal there are names of the heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of Social Labor who were awarded during the war years. Thematic sculptural compositions on the territory of the complex show the population of the occupied territories, struggle of guerillas, forcing of the Dnepr. In a great bowl annually on the Victory Day the eternal fire is kindled. At the Motherland’s feet there is a museum; an exhibition of military machinery is available on a separate ground.
Kiev is one of the greenest cities of the world. Around 60 parks are in it; on its streets lime trees and chestnut trees blossom. In Kiev’s parks one can have a splendid time enjoying nature. The main parks of the city are: the Botanical Garden, Hydropark, Park of Glory, Trukhanov’s Island and Vladimirskaya Gorka with an astounding view of the Dnepr’s left bank. There is also a zoo in Kiev where 2,000 animals from all the corners of the world are gathered.
Not far from Kiev there is a museum of people’s architecture and life Pirogovo. It is located outdoors and occupies a space of 370 acres. One can see houses, churches, mills, wells, different items of peasant furniture here; all this gives an impression of the Ukrainian people’s life in XVI-XIX centuries. Most of the buildings
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В славянских языках значительно варьирует вторая гласная в названии этого города, что в некоторых случаях обусловлено особенностями образования прилагательного от имени Кий . Например, в русском языке город называется