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The northern and eastern sections, however, are sloping, fancifully burrowed with natural straits to form numerous little islands, and in some places you can even walk from one island to another on shallow fords.
The nature of Valaam is unique. There are around 450 species of plants on the island; the forests are predominantly coniferous, but you can find oak groves, fir and foliated alleys, as well as apple orchards here, which were planted by monks back in XIX century. The fauna of Valaam is rich and multifarious; many birds nest on its rocky shores.

The location of the archipelago in the area of the deepest parts of the Ladoga Lake (233 m) affects the climate of the islands. The mean temperature of July is plus 17, that of February – minus 9.

Throughout its long life the mysterious Valaam attracted attention of many people. Male Orthodox Spasopreobrazhensky Monastery, founded here in XIV century, which experienced many changes throughout its long history from short years of flourishing to complete desolation, reached the climax of its blossom by the middle of XIX century. It is at this time that many pilgrims and tourists, artists and writers headed for Valaam. The unprecedented serene beauty of these places was depicted in their works by artists like I.I. Shishkin, A.I. Kuindzhi, N.K. Roerich, M.K. Clodt, F.A. Nemirovich-Danchenko, A.N. Apukhtin.

At that time you could get from Petersburg to Valaam in two days; nowadays by modern motor ships – in ten hours. Since 1979, Valaam, which was turned into a historical, architectural and wild nature reserve-museum, receives tourists and pilgrims from Russia and many other countries of the world.

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2 комментария

  1. Музей-заповедник ликвидирован в 1992 году. Приемом туристов и паломников занимается монастырь.
    Есть еще теперь Природный парк. Его функции не понятны.

  2. Соглашусь с Вами по поводу приема туристов. Меня тоже не пустили в церковь, сославшись на то, что я должен быть в составе группы. На дверях в церковь стоял брутальный мужик, который к тому же еще и курящий. Мне до сх пор интересно, а как же простому, искреннему верующему попасть в церковь? Конечно нам повезло поскольку мы путешествовали с бывшим мэром острова С.В. Григорьевым. У него есть несколько прогулочных катеров и на одном из них мы плавали по Ладожскому озеру. Телефон Сергея Викторовича +7 921 014 44 33

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