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Timisoara (Romania)



The first mention of Timisoara built on the site of an ancient Roman fortress Kastrum Regium Temes dates back to 1212. For years Timisoara, the largest city in western Romania, was under influence of different cultures. The Romans used it as an important fortress standing at a crossroads until the Tatars destroyed it in XIII century. The city was captured by Turkish armies in 1552 and remained under Turkish patronage until 1718 when Banat region got under Austrian predominance for two centuries. Later Timisoara turned into an important medieval commercial and industrial city. Turks, Austrians, Germans and Serbs – they all left their traces, and their influence even today can be seen all over the city.

Enchantment of this city situated on the northern bank of the Bega River is rooted in its special architecture and bright cultural life. Timisoara is frequently called “little Vienna;” all year round musical and theatre performances take place in it; you can see a lot of art galleries, museums and a noisy night life. Timisoara is a progressive and cosmopolitan city; it was the first city in Europe and the second city in the world after New York where electricity was used for illumination of the streets.

Because of Mediterranean climate it is better to observe the life of the city in the open air, on numerous public squares and in remote places covered by lush vegetation. One can easily walk all over the entire city. If you get tired, a tram will come in a minute; city transport works quickly, frequently and regularly.

In Timisoara there are many churches of different religious confessions in the Jewish quarter, on a beautiful baroque style square and in a part of town designed for strolling. Some monuments in the heart of the city enable one to enjoy panoramic views, whereas numerous parks – “the city’s flowers” – are ideal places for rest in between sightseeing.

Timisoara was the first European city, in which horse-trams (in 1869) and electric illumination of the streets (in 1889) appeared.
Johnny Weissmuller – the first Tarzan of Hollywood – was born in Timisoara.

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