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At that time sport developed in Khabarovsk at a rapid speed. As early as in 1954 football players of the sports club of the House of officers won the Russian Federation Cup. Sports arenas that were then built were excellent by estimation of those times and allowed sportsmen of the city to make great achievements. In September of 1957 a V.I. Lenin stadium was opened. It was the first facility in a huge sport complex, construction of which had already begun in Khabarovsk. Then in February of 1981 the XII Russian hockey (bandy) world championship took place in the city.

Not only Khabarovsk is believed to be one of the biggest cities of the Far East, as early as in 1960s-70s it was considered abroad the industrial, cultural and scientific center of the Far East. At different times a big number of major political figures of different countries visited the city. Such as: Todor Zhivkov, Ludwig Svoboda, Gustav Gusak (leaders of the countries of Eastern Block).

The city grew and developed just like all the rest of the country until 1991. In 1990s the entire country experienced the period of disintegration of the USSR and economic reforms. At that time all industrial and trade ties of almost all the major factories of the city got broken. There were hold-ups with paying salaries and pensions.

By an order of President of Russia B. Yeltsin in 1995 in Khabarovsk there was the first election of the governor of Khabarovsk region – it was won by Victor Ivanovich Ishaev who afterwards did a lot of good things for the city. And in 1996 there was the first ever election of Mayor in the history of the city. This election was won by Pavel Dmitrievich Philippov who was supported by the governor.

Khabarovsk is still the biggest transport center in the Far East. Here almost all railway, river, air and automobile ways cross. Especially it became so after reconstruction of the railway bridge across the Amur River. In 1999 an automobile bridge across the Amur was opened; it was constructed above the already existing railway bridge.

Likewise, the city remains to be the biggest cultural center. In the city there are 4 museums and 4 professional theatres, many creative organizations – that of writers, composers, the Union of artists, theatrical workers, cinematographers and journalists.

Material is taken from the Internet resource:

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