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Chef Guy Savoy of France

Presentation inscription and an autograph

In spring of 2010 I was lucky to visit one of the best restaurants of the USA Guy Savoy in Las Vegas. The restaurant is located in the Caesar’s Palace Complex. Our guide in the restaurant was Ylona who works there as a PR manager. The chef and the owner of the restaurant is the legendary French chef Guy Savoy. To taste his dishes we chose a test Prestige Menu. The menu included more than ten dishes. Our gourmet’s journey around the world of Savoy began with oysters in an ice jelly and was followed by a pickled lobster with summer greenery with an exquisite dressing and a fruit jelly. After the lobster our taste receptors enjoyed three color caviar and sea bass fillet in crusty skin with delicate spices. After the sea bass, foie gras followed in a little envelope made of layered dough, and daikon broth.

That was followed by artichoke cream soup with black truffles and little toasts with pasta made of fried forest mushrooms seasoned with truffle oil. After a glass of good wine we were given baked veal with mashed potatoes, black truffles and young stewed vegetables in a veal sauce. In conclusion, for a dessert we were served chocolate fondue with soft cream praline with chaffed cream and chicory. Four hours of the “gourmet’s journey” flew fast in a company of amiable waiters and sommelier.

Chef Guy Savoy (France), Angelina Jolie amd Brad Pitt. Photograph

Chef Guy Savoy (France), Angelina Jolie amd Brad Pitt. Photograph

After the pleasantly spent time in the restaurant and tasting of the exquisite masterpieces of the author’s cuisine we were endowed an audience with the manager of the restaurant Mr. Frank Savoy, the son of the legendary chef. In the end of the audience Mr. Frank Savoy gave us the restaurant’s menu with his autograph.

Guy Savoy was born on July 24 of 1953 in Nevers, Burgundy. In 1955, his family moved to a city in Isere. The boy’s father worked as a gardener while his mother owned a small tavern, which afterwards turned into a fast-food café, and eventually – into a famous restaurant. Savoy opened his first restaurant in New York, and in 1980 famous Parisian restaurant with the same name opened its doors wide. Savoy’s Parisian restaurant soon earned recognition among the Parisian public and gourmets from all over the world. Genuine recognition was received by the chef in 1985 when his Parisian Guy Savoy restaurant at once received two Michelin stars.

Today Guy Savoy is a renowned chef, one of the legendary French cooks who received awards in the Nouvelle cuisine (new cuisine) category. His restaurant Guy Savoy in Paris is considered to be one of the best establishments of high cuisine in the world and is awarded three Michelin stars. Apart from the restaurant in Paris, Savoy has a subsidiary restaurant in Las Vegas, USA.

Visiting the Parisian Guy Savoy restaurant turns into a real enjoyment, because the chef cooks not only exquisite dishes but esthetically exquisite ones. The restaurant is decorated with canvasses of modern artists and articles of African interior made of exotic kinds of trees and leather; on the tables there are items of shaped glass.

Frank Savoy's autograph on the menu of GUY SAVOY Restaurant in Las Vegas (USA)

Frank Savoy's autograph on the menu of GUY SAVOY Restaurant in Las Vegas (USA)

The restaurant’s menu includes the author’s original dishes, every one of which strikes your imagination, be it a calf’s sweetbread cooked in a special way or a soup with a French black truffle, or even more original delicacies such as dumplings foie gras or a wild Breton lobster.

The Guy Savoy restaurant in Las Vegas has been granted two Michelin stars and is also on the list of the best forty restaurants of the USA in 2006-2011. In 2007, the restaurant entered the list of the best new restaurants of the world according to the “World Travel + Leisure Magazine.” In 2008, “Wine Spectator Magazine” gave the restaurant in Las Vegas the Grand Award for its wine card and flawless service.

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