November 21-28, 2010
School of Rick Stein and a journey around Cornwall (Great Britain)
A journey to Cornwall. The highlight of the journey is the two-day training in special skills of cooking seafood in the Chef Rick Stein’s school in the city of Padstow. As a matter of course, our first stepping stone on a way of “learning” will be a trip to Stonehenge. But after the training an amazing journey around Cornwall is awaiting us. In the course of traveling we will cross the Dartmoor and get acquainted with the cities of Shaftesbury, Falmouth, and Marazion. An excursion to the Botanical garden of Eden. As we go we will travel as far as the most western point of Great Britain. Rapid ascents and dashing descents are awaiting us as well as submitting to the rhythm of the sea tides. From there on we will travel along the sea and stop in the most beautiful city of Cornwall – St Ives; after that the city of Bude, which is in the World Heritage List is awaiting us.