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Ala-Archa (Kyrgyzstan)



Bishkek lies at the foot of the Terskei Ala-Too range having many scenic and entertaining places on its territory. One of such places is Ala-Archa Gorge.

Ala means “snowy”; archa – is an analogue of juniper. Indeed, there are glaciers in the gorge that melt only in hot summers. The slopes of the gorge are richly covered with different kinds of archa.

In 1976 in the most picturesque Ala-Archa Gorge Kyrgyz National Nature Park was established under the name of “Ala-Archa”.

The natural park was created to protect natural objects and unique natural monuments, to reproduce rare and vanishing species of plants and animals on the territory of the Natural Park, as well as to provide cultural and educational recreation, to develop tourism and mountain climbing.

Bearing proof to its name, juniper grows in the whole area and serves as food to the local birds. Beautiful river Alamedin is flowing in the ravine. It is cold as ice, wild and dangerous in early spring and in the beginning of summer.

Nature Park “Ala-Archa” is situated at the height of 1500-4895 meters, and its general length from North to South is 18 kilometers. The distance from the capital of the republic, the city of Bishkek, is 30 kilometers.

Ala-Archa Gorge is a favorite place for tourists, mountain climbers and common citizens of Bishkek, who go there to have rest or sharpen their skill of mountaineering.

According to some specialists, you can treat almost all sicknesses in the Gorge. The bactericidal effect of juniper is so strong, that just one small tree kills germs within the area of 50 meters.

In Ala-Archa you can see high mountain lakes, gracious waterfalls, moraines, glaciers walk through the clouds and look down on them. In just one trip you can pass through the hot summer’s heat and get to the kingdom of glaciers and snow covered mountain tops.

Tremendous panoramic view will allow you to see the peaks of Semenova Tian-Shanski, Corona, Free Korea, Tecke-Tor, Ak-Too, and others, most of them raising their peaks beyond the point of 4 000 meters above sea level.

Today in Ala-Archa there is more than thirty big and small glaciers and each one of them is beautiful, unique, and famous. Who has not heard of alpinists’ “Mecca” of Tian-Shan — the “horseshow” of Ak-Sai!

Here, at the foot of such peaks as Semenova Tian-Shanski (4875 m.), Free Korea (4700 m.), Corona (4650 m.), Ak-Тоо, and Box, down the narrow rocky canyon “flows” an icy river 15-kilometers long and up to 500 meters wide — this is one of the most beautiful glaciers in Ala-Archa, glacier Ak-Sai. In its lower reach, where it begins to melt, the glacier mounts up like a huge ice-fall, which makes it even more look like a frozen river. The ice billow which is four times higher than Niagara Falls is cut with breaks and cracks with streams of melting waters roaring down them.

Each year, in May, in keeping with the traditions, on the territory of the natural park mountain climbing and hiking competitions are held for highschoolers, students and young people.

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